Friday, November 30, 2018

Android Recycler View Template Tutorial

Android Recycler View Template Tutorial

If your app needs to display a scrolling list of elements based on large data sets (or data that frequently changes), you should use Recycler View.Android Recycler View is more advanced version of ListView with improved performance and other benefits. 

To Implement Recycler View in Android Its a long process , you have to define xml, model class, Adapter which take a lot of time to implement recycler view.
So, Instead of making it why not use template to implement it which make recycler view implementation very easy.

You to just down the zip file from the given below link-

  1. Download or clone the repo from above given link.
  2. Rename the downloaded folder to RecyclerViewTemplate and copy the complete folder.
  3. Paste the selected files into
  4. For Windows
    Go to C - Program Files - Android - Android Studio
  5. Navigate to Plugins - android - lib - templates - other - paste the downloaded RecyclerViewTemplate folder
  6. It is easy and pretty straight forward
    • Open your project in Android Studio.
    • Right click on your project root package.
    • Navigate to New - Other - RecyclerViewTemplate.

Google Play Store - Privacy Policy To Store App.

Google Play -Developer Policy Center

Google play is digital service that provide android market,this is official app store for android operating system,User can browse and download application  who developed with android software development kit. Google play Developed by Google.
Google play provide some policy to store android app.If you not follow them google remove your application from google play store.

Google Play Developer Policy-
1. Restricted Content-
 a.Child Endangerment - 

                     If in your application there are some adult content ,adult themes then google play store remove your application from play store.

  b.Inappropriate Content- 
 *Sexually Explicit Content,
*Hate Speech -Apps that promote self harm, suicide, eating disorders, choking games or other acts where serious injury or death may result.
*Sensitive Events
*Dangerous Products

c.Financial Instruments-
*Binary Options - Goolge play not allow apps that provide users with the ability to trade binary options.
*Cryptocurrencies- Goolge play not allow apps that mine cryptocurrency on devices. goole play allow apps that remotely manage the mining of cryptocurrency.
d.Illegal Activities-
e.User Generated Content-

2.Impersonation and Intellectual Property-
 Google not allow apps that use another app brand, title, logo, or name .if you develop any application so insure that your application not related to another application.
and google not allow copyright content in any application.


3.Spam and Minimum Functionality-
   Google remove your application if your application crash ,low-quality ,or repetative.
  and if you use webview to open website without permission from the website owner or administrator then alos remove your aplpicayion from playstore.
your app should be unique from other app.
Google also not allow that app if primary purpose is to serve ads.
Broken Functionality - if your app not install,not load,not responsive then removed by google.

Note:- There are lots of policy,i will continue in next blog.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

How to implement Vimeo Video in Android native

 Vimeo video integration in Android application

As an Android developer, you may need to integrate Vimeo into your application. Luckily, Vimeo offers a wealth of features, including video player, distribution, marketing, monetization, live streaming, analytics, hosting, and management.

One particularly useful feature of Vimeo is its on-demand video capabilities. If you need to integrate Vimeo into your Android app, be sure to check out this helpful video guide.

Please watch this video for Vimeo Integration. 

If it is helpful then please Like and Subscribe to my channel. It will motivate me to keep posting helpful stuff for developers.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Create Web API HTTPs Method Tutorial

In this section we will implement Get action and post methods in our Web API controller class that will handle HTTP GET.HTTP Post requests.
As per the Web API naming convention, action method that starts with a work "Get","Post" will handle HTTP request. We can either name it only Get, Post or with any suffix. Let's add our first Get,Post action method and give it a name user_get because it will return all the api_test from the DB. Following an appropriate naming methodology increases readability and anybody can understand the purpose of a method easily.
Video: Create API using Get Method

Video: Create API using Post Method

Example: Get,Post Method in Web API Controller
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class Api extends CI_Controller
        public function __construct() {

 public function user_get(){
 public function data_post(){

           $data = array('fname' => $this->input->post('fname'),
                       'lname' => $this->input->post('lname'),
                        'mobile' =>$this->input->post('mobile'));

Example: Get,Post Method in Web API Model

defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

class apiModel extends CI_Controller {

public function __construct()

     public function getdata(){
   $query = $this->db->query("select * from `getdata`");
      echo json_encode($query->result());
    public function insert($data){
 echo "insert data from tabel";
 echo "not insert data from tabel";

Listview in Android

Android ListView Tutorial

 Android ListView is a view which contains the group of items and displays in a scrollable list. ListView is implemented by importing android.widget.ListView class. ListView is a default scrollable which does not use other scroll view.

In ListView we have to declare ListView in main xml file or where you want to show the list.
And make another xml file in which we define the elements which we want to show in our list like text,images etc.

You can make list array in java file or in make String-array in String resource file.

Now we bind that data using Adapter, which pulls content from a source such as an array or database. Once we have array adapter created, then we simply call setAdapter() on our ListView object.

Android provides several subclasses of Adapter that are useful for retrieving different kinds of data and building views for an AdapterView ( i.e. ListView or GridView). The common adapters are ArrayAdapter,Base Adapter,CursorAdapter, SimpleCursorAdapter,SpinnerAdapter and WrapperListAdapter.

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Vimeo Video Introduction

Vimeo is a video sharing web site , User can Upload ,view and share own video .vimeo is first website to share your uploaded video with high quality.For Upload Your Video in Vimeo Website you need account in link. ,if you have account you can upload your video in Vimeo and then share your video .

Video Storage Plans-  
 Vimeo provide one month trial.

 1 Plus - 5bg/week-7$/m
 3.Bussiness/No week limites-50$/mo

 4.Premium/Unlimited Live Streaming/75$/m

Vimeo is a legal website.vimeo actually does not delete the video.all video are store legal.
vimeo also provide own video player and also provide video and image editor.
After upload your video on vimeo if you want to  watching your video on demand you need to purchases vimeo account and after purchases vimeo provide download option.

How to set up vimeo:-
  • Start at
  • Sign up for Vimeo by entering your First and Last Name, Email Address, and Password. Once complete, click “Join.”
  • You've now joined the Vimeo community! ...
  • At this point, you'll be asked to verify your email address. ...
  • Congratulations!
If you want to How to upload video in vimeo then please watch this video.

Note:- Next Blog is How To integrate Vimeo Video With android app.

Are you looking for Vimeo app developer ontact Ixora Infotech

Android menu option tutorial

Android Menu Option Tutorial

Each fragment has its own life cycle Android menus are primary menu in android. It can be used for settings, search, delete etc.

To implement this option menu you can also make it by coding or programmatically, but its not easy making menu manually, So choose Basic Activity or Navigation Drawer Activity, it will help or make easy for you to implement option menus in your project.

To inflating the menu, call the inflate() method of MenuInflater class. To perform action on menu items, you need to override onOptionsItemSelected() method of Activity class.

Below there is link of video -
From Where you can learn how to implement Android Menu In your Android Project.

To read more blog click on the below link-

Fragment In Android

Android Fragment Tutorial

Android Fragment is the part of activity, it is also known as sub-activity. There can be more than one fragment in an activity. Fragments represent multiple screen inside one activity.
Android fragment life-cycle is affected by activity life-cycle because fragments are included in activity.

Each fragment has its own life cycle methods that is affected by activity life cycle because fragments are embedded in activity.

The Fragment-Manager class is responsible to make interaction between fragment objects.

Fragment Life-Cycle

1)onAttach(Activity)it is called only once when it is attached with activity.
2)onCreate(Bundle)It is used to initialize the fragment.
3)onCreateView(LayoutInflater, ViewGroup, Bundle)creates and returns view hierarchy.
4)onActivityCreated(Bundle)It is invoked after the completion of onCreate() method.
5)onViewStateRestored(Bundle)It provides information to the fragment that all the saved state of fragment view hierarchy has been restored.
6)onStart()makes the fragment visible.
7)onResume()makes the fragment interactive.
8)onPause()is called when fragment is no longer interactive.
9)onStop()is called when fragment is no longer visible.
10)onDestroyView()allows the fragment to clean up resources.
11)onDestroy()allows the fragment to do final clean up of fragment state.
12)onDetach()It is called immediately prior to the fragment no longer being associated with its activity.

Below here is the link of our tutorial video on fragment 

Monday, November 26, 2018

Google Chromecast.

                                                               Google Chrome Cast


1. What is Google Chrome cast?

Chromecast is a Google device that you plugs into your TV HDMI port powered with an USB cable. By using your smartphone or computer as remote control, chromecast can be used to access video content from Cast application like Netflix,youtube.
         With Chromecast, you can easily enjoy your favorite movies, TV shows, photos, and websites from YouTube, Google Play, Chrome and more on your TV.


2.How Chromecast works ? 
 Chromecast acts as a transmitter between TV and streaming video providers like cable box and antenna. Netflix broadcasts content to chromecast which then displays on your TV.


3.What you can watch on Chromecast ?

Chromecast can access audio and video content from large no. of services, google keeps this track on its official site.

4.How To connect Google Chrome Cast With Tv.

                                               Get started with these simple steps:

Step 1: Plug in your Chrome cast device

                           Plug Chrome cast into your TV, then connect the USB power cable to your Chrome cast. Then either plug the other end of the USB power cable into an open USB port on your TV OR into the included power adapter which you will then plug into a power outlet. Note: Only use the provided AC adapter.

Step 2: Connect your Chrome cast device

                      Double check that the Chrome cast and the mobile device,  tablet, or laptop you are using to set up Chrome cast with are both on the same Wi-Fi network.

 Step 3: Download the Google Home app

                         On your mobile device, tablet, or laptop, download the Google Home app.
 Step 4: Set up Chrome cast

                        Set up Chrome cast device with google home app.
                     Go in setting and set up new Device, 
                      Click on Add Icon - Set up device - Choose your home device - and connect device with your phone.

  Step 5: Cast content
    open your app Like YouTube .
                  If your phone Connect with Google Chrome Cast device .Cast  Icon Show in youtube app .Cast icon see in below image.

These All steps show how to chrome cast connect and work.

Note:- Next blog is how to integrate Google chrome cast with sender app.

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Android pie features.

                                                                                                                                                                      Android Pie -   9.0

The Complete List of Android Versions-
1. Cupcake
2. Donut
3. Eclair
4. Froyo
5. Gingerbread
6. Honeycomb
7. Ice Cream Sandwich
8. Jelly Bean
9. KitKat
10. Lollipop
11. Marshmallow

Android Pie -    Android 9 "Pie" is the ninth major update and the 16th version of the Android operating system. It was first released as an alpha quality developer preview in March 2018 and released to the public on August 6, 2018.

Android Pie Best New FeaturesFeatures -
1.An adaptive battery feature that maximizes battery power by prioritizing the apps that the user is most likely to use next.
2.New user interface for the quick settings menu.
3.The clock has moved to the left of the notification bar.
4.Adds controller mapping for the Xbox One S wireless controller
5.Manual theme selection.
6. New Gesture Navigation
          Android has used a standard three-button navigation bar at the bottom of the screen for ages. In Pie, you can drop the standard Back, Home, and Recent buttons in favor of a new gesture-based navigation system.

7. Improved Security Features.
8.New Screenshot Shortcut
            he default Power + Volume Down button combination for shortcuts is a little awkward. Thus,              in Android Pie, you can take a shortcut from the Power menu anytime.

9. Easier Screen Rotation
10.Volume and Sound Improvements.
11.Improve Text Selection
12.New look for quick settings
13.Adaptive Brightness

Note - Next Blog Topic is Google ChromeCast.

Share App Data Between Activities in Android

Android  Intent Tutorial: Sending data from One Activity to another Activity